Sav Singh launches Ray White Toongabbie

Sav Singh has launched Ray White Toongabbie alongside his five-person team in a bid to expand his presence in Sydney’s west.

Mr Singh built his real estate career from scratch after leaving teaching, and quickly rose through the ranks to become a key figure in the western Sydney market.

“We realised that in order to achieve the growth and success that we wanted, we had to join a leading real estate brand, rather than trying to do it alone,” Mr Singh said.

“We also feel the push from consumers to be associated with a trusted and strong group like Ray White; we researched heavily and found that there wasn’t even a close competitor to their offering, particularly in NSW.”

Mr Singh said that his previous career of being a teacher has surprisingly lent itself well to real estate.

“I migrated from India to Australia in 2007 and was a high school teacher for many years, but after making the move to real estate in 2017, I never looked back,” he said.

“My key strengths in real estate actually come from my teaching background; educating buyers and sellers, crystal-clear communication and conveying information without ambiguity.”

He said Toongabbie was one of the most promising and underrated suburbs in Western Sydney, filled with potential and ready for a real estate shake-up.

“Toongabbie is a tightly held area, with around 6500 dwellings and averaging only around 400 sales per year. 1000sq m blocks are quite common here, so it is a drawcard for families who want more space and a leafy lifestyle.”

“There is also a large Sri Lankan and Indian community, and a lot of room for Ray White to come in and thrive as an agency,” he said.

He said that he would like for the team to achieve 100 sales within their first year of operation, as well as growing their rent roll even further.

“We pride ourselves on working in a very honest manner, and we like to keep it simple for our clients,” he said.

“Growth is a major goal for us, and Ray White is the best partner to help us recruit more great talent.”

Ray White NSW Chief Executive Officer Tim Snell said he was excited Mr Singh and the team could lay their roots in Toongabbie.

“It is always a thrill to welcome new leaders into our group, especially those with such ambition that Sav holds,” Mr Snell said.

“We are incredibly proud of our strength in the Parramatta region and welcoming a Toongabbie business strategically connects our existing leadership with new energy.”

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