Moms Reveal The Tips & Tricks They Swear By For Staving Off Sickness

If you and your kids have been sick nonstop this school year, you definitely aren’t alone. My daughter has had multiple illnesses this year, and it is starting to feel like I left the last dregs of my sanity in 2024. This school year, she has missed more days of school than any previous year, we’ve been to the pediatrician six times, and we have spent a ridiculous amount of money at CVS.

Sick kids mean missed work, school, and sleep, and if you have a neurodivergent child who thrives on routine, illnesses are even worse. While we can treat them after they arrive, there’s also something to be said for making sure they never take up residence in the first place. Is it possible to build our immune systems so we aren’t drowning in boogers all winter long?

To find out, we asked moms, including some moms exposed to all kinds of kid germs on the job every day, for their go-to tips and tricks. While many advise hand washing, staying well hydrated, and eating a healthy diet, here are their other secrets for building immunity and fighting off illness.

Get Good Sleep

“Sleep! We always seem to get sick when we have ‘pushed’ bedtime. So making sure they get a solid 10+ hours is key.” — Brynley, mom of three

“Our sleep routine saves us in ‘virus season.’ It’s getting dark early anyway, so we just make a point to move toward bed quite early. Our elementary-age family does 8 p.m. story/reading time, lights out at 8:30. Another important piece is no electronics in the bedroom.” — Becca Susong, mom and pediatrician at Surefooted Family

Take High-Quality Supplements

“Prebiotics and postbiotics can be helpful with immunity. Elderberry syrup daily! It tastes really good, and you take a tablespoon a day. It’s easy to make; [you] just have to buy the stuff … And vitamins daily. [My kids] just came down with a cold, something mild, but we’ve been fine other than that.” — Caitlin, mom of two

“Vitamin C, elderberry supplement, probiotics … frequent hand washing, school sanitizer sprays in book bags, and staying hydrated.” — Nicole, mom of five and teacher

Nix the Antibacterial Soap

“Honestly, we stopped with the hand sanitizers and washing with soaps with antibacterial agents. We need bacteria to be healthy. We started in 2012. My son kept getting sick, and we both have allergies to some antibiotics. I can count on one hand how many times he has been on medication for sickness since the change.” — Jennifer, mom of one

Get Those Vaccinations

“Vaccination is one of the least fun but most important aspects of good healthcare. Don’t skip the flu shot, either! An annual vaccine is important to work towards prevention. And yes, because it is a virus, it mutates and it’s possible to still catch the flu with the vaccine. As a pediatrician who treats sick children every day, the difference in severity and duration of illness between unvaccinated and vaccinated children who I see is significant.” — Christina Johns, pediatrician and mom of two

Reduce Stress

“I really find that when I manage my own stress response, make time to go running and engage in other forms of self-care, and try to prioritize sleep, my immune system gets a boost. When I can go for a brisk morning walk, even in the cold air, I get the immune-boosting effects of nature plus stress relief. This flu season, all my kids were sick multiple times, and so far, I’ve been OK.” — Robyn Koslowitz, child psychologist and mom

And If You’ve Got the Start of a Scratchy Throat or Sniffles…

“I love this spray for the beginning of any sore throat or cough. It usually knocks it right out without full sickness. It tastes awful, but it works. That’s how I know my kids aren’t faking it!” — Maria, mom of two

“I love saline in the nose at first onset of an illness. Some new studies are showing that hypertonic saline in the nose can significantly reduce the severity of colds or shorten the course of the cold. Hypertonic saline in the nose after flying on an airplane or being in a large crowd can also help prevent illness.” — Shelley Meadowcroft, mom of four and pediatric nurse practitioner at Nemours Children’s Health

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