I Had A Sex Dream About My Best Friend's Husband

Last night I had a sex dream about my best friend’s husband. It was very unexpected for numerous reasons. 1. I would never do that to my friend; 2. I don’t find him attractive (or do I?!?); 3. It was entirely pleasant and non-erotic. I mean it when I tell you that I woke up with a “huh, that’s odd” moment.

As is the case for so many dreams, it took place in a completely random place. I think we were in an arcade? And it was sexy. It was sexy because he was kind and complimentary about my body — but it’s not like I’m starved for that kind of attention. My husband is kind and complimentary of my body, to the point where I’m often like, “this body?!?”

The sexiest part of the whole thing, though, was that it was forbidden, which, again, isn’t something that usually gets me going. He would hold my hand and look over his shoulder for his wife, aka my best friend, before he kissed me. In the dream, I was worried what my husband would think, but not so worried that I didn’t kiss my best friend’s husband “in public.”

All things considered, it was pretty tame. Just a lot of kissing and feeling like I was doing something wrong. While in the dream, I even “thought to myself” to that it was weird that I thought this was hot, and that he was the one the dream was about. I woke up as the sun was rising, completely bewildered by the whole thing. Do I think he’s cute? Am I feeling starved for attention? Why the hell was my sex dream in an arcade?

It’s the first sex dream I’ve had (that I remember) where I felt guilty when I woke up. Usually, I wake up feeling… randy. This morning, I woke up feeling like I should call and confess it to her. Alas, I didn’t, and I won’t. It’s just a dream.

To be fair, there really is no reason for me to feel guilty; it was, after all, courtesy of my subconscious. On top of that, the human brain is real weird, and when you add sex into the mix, it gets even weirder.

In the end, it was just a random dream in a long line of many random dreams I have had and will continue to have. But I’ll be damned if I can make eye contact with him when I see him next.

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